3 June - 30 June
Mel Renner
A Place to Reflect
All images are medium format, 120mm film photographed on a Hasselblad analogue camera
A false level of perception
Familiar reversal
Beyond the window
Infinity has only occurred once
Glance twice
Time eliminates
Layers to reflect on
Mel Renner is a photographer based in Te Papaioea. She studied at the Elam School of Fine Arts and is particularly interested in creating work with a medium format Hasselblad analogue camera.
Mel’s work explores the concept of psychogeography and its value in the world. She seeks to explore and reveal the hidden, layered narratives that exist within the spaces people inhabit and how their experiences of place and time shape who they are. Through the act of walking she has developed a process of engagement that allows her to explore her position in the city, and in turn how the city affects her. Through observing the city and paying attention to her own emotional state, Mel has been able to generate a new way of looking at the world. By exploring the intersections between place, space, and time, she hopes to create spaces that allow for contemplation, introspection, and connection, and to inspire viewers to think more deeply about the ways in which the spaces we inhabit shape our sense of self and the places they call home.